News — #video
Moffett's Musings: Bringing 'connection' to your riding
#connectionriding #enlightenedequitation #onlineridingschool #video

I was surprised, no, rather shocked, last week to read a post on my Enlightened Equitation Facebook group where the writer said that she was into natural horsemanship, to ‘better connect with her horse’ and that she would find my training ‘intimidating’. I queried why out of genuine curiosity, but haven’t seen a reply. Intimidating? But why?!! I have long promoted the strapline on my website of ‘A Kinder Way to Ride and Train’. Does this conjure up the image of the stereotypical riding instructress of old, who barked commands military-style, to her frequently terrified pupils?! I see courses of...
Heather Moffett saddle videos
#flexee #hmsaddles #video #vogue
Heather describes her saddles in detail to Racers to Riders TV: The HM FlexEE saddle The HM Vogue saddle